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Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

  1. Cancelling Donations:

    • Donations made to our organization are non-refundable.

    • If you've made an unintended donation, please contact our customer support team immediately.

  2. Cancelling Membership:

    • Memberships can typically be canceled at any time.

    • To cancel your membership, please contact our customer support team or access your account settings on our website.

  3. Membership Renewal:

    • Membership fees automatically renew on an annual basis.

    • You may cancel the automatic renewal before the renewal date to prevent any future charges.

  4. Refunds:

    • Membership fees and donations are non-refundable. Refunds may be considered in exceptional cases at the discretion of our organization.

  5. Cancellation Confirmation:

    • When you request a cancellation, you will receive a confirmation of your cancellation request via email.

  6. Termination by the Organization:

    • The organization reserves the right to terminate memberships or services in cases of misconduct or violation of our terms and conditions.

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